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A message from the Magnificent Managers



Deputy Manager

"Hi there and welcome Head Start! Pictured left is Debra Harrison and right, Jennifer Harrison; the nursery managers. Our ambition is to provide exceptionally high quality childcare to the community of Stechford. We truly believe that all children deserve a head start in life which is why we deliver a highly, exciting and engaging curriculum that focusses on children's interests. Our family (staff members) are highly experienced and qualified to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (to find out a bit more, click on 'Our Curriculum').


We love to work with our parents and carers and highly appreciate your feedback. Should you wish to come a speak to us, the door to the office is always open (literally!) - please pop in any time! "


Debbie (or Debra) is a highly experienced early years practitioner who has managed Head Start for well over 20 years! She gained her foundation degree (FdA) in Early Years Education in 2015 and continues her continuous professional development in her work at nursery.


Jennifer (or Jenny, Debbie's daughter) is highly passionate about children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and in 2019, achieved the highly prestigious cache diploma level 3 in SEN. Since working at Head Start, she has enhanced provision for children with SEN and is working to achieve a Foundation Degree in Special Educational Needs.



Find Us:

Head Start Day Nursery

75-77 Albert Rd,

B33 8AG


Our Prospectus

Session Times:

Facebook Feed:

AM: 0900-1200

PM: 1245-1545

All day: 0900-1500

Early: 0830-0900

Late: 1500-1545


We have very limited availability. If you are interested in a place, please get in touch! 



Session Times:

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